Customers Testimonials

Client Testimonials on Video

I am grateful to these customers who came forward and agreed to give free reviews on video. You must watch these testimonial videos fully. You never know which video you will find the answer to your pressing issues in life. You will also notice the genuineness of the content in each of these videos.

Those who are unaware of my old name; I was earlier known as Sushil. I changed my name to Govind  Vedaprakash Shandilya. I too have experienced an upward growth in all aspects of my life.  After all the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Online Google Reviews

It is always a pleasure to read excellent reviews given by our satisfied customers. It is encouraging to see so many people writing unique reports and rating us with five stars; this means you are in the right place when you choose to consult with Shri. Govind Vedaprakash Shandilya. Remember to focus on the results instead of the consultation fee. It is our conscious effort and practice to provide more use-value than the cash-value you pay.

Click on the picture below to go to GOOGLE Reviews Page.


Hand written Reviews

In these images, you can read the testimonials and endorsements from Our Customers. It reflects their thoughts and feelings after the completion of the numerology consultation. You will notice each of them is left delighted and extremely satisfied by the solution offered and the revelation they get during the discussion.