Marriage Numerology: Call +91.9353955173

Why Numerology Marriage Compatibility Analysis?

If you are contemplating to get married you want to know every thing about the person you have selected as a life partner. But how many people can know very much about each other until they have lived together for some time? And even if you think you are thoroughly acquainted with his/her nature, abilities, ideals, how do you know whether you are going to pull together and if your separate lines of development will, in the future, run parallel or go off at tangents? At this point Numerology expertise of Shri. Govind Valmikki Shandilya steps in and tells you all you need to know.

In all relationships that must endure for life time, the inner urges and implementations, points of views and standards must harmonize; therefore we would compare first the Heart’s Desire of both persons. If the two numbers are similar there would be sure to be harmony, sympathy and understanding; you would both have same method of approach towards any situation — but may be you could became a little bored and static eventually? Perhaps not but there would be the danger of it.

If the numbers are complements, you would have the same type of philosophy but would give to each other the necessary stimulus of differences.

The Expression is of less important in this relationship. It is rather better that the partners should differ for the sake of variety. Next most important number to be looked at is two Life Paths. Do your opportunities lie along entirely different lines– and will you the able to follow them independently?

We cannot overlook the Karmic lessons. It is highly desirable that you be able to supply each others ‘lacks’ and help each other make up the lessons of past life karma.

Next we need to see your Cycles and Pinnacles. Is this a right time to marry? Can you both safely assume new duties and Responsibilities now? or should you wait until the time is more friendly to the relationship. For example marriage in personal year 9 is not advised as 9 is the Finisher and life is liable to step in and cause your separation.

The Expression number of one on the Life Path number of other brings the relationship of Teacher to Pupil. Apart from this we also need to check the pinnacle numbers of both partners. For example the The Pinnacle 7 & 11 are not conducive for the marriage vibration. Call +91.96115.39655 for a detailed consultation and understanding of your spouse. People who are already married could use report to understand each other better. Remember partners perform better not by erasing their differences but by understanding them and accepting them the way they are and the way they are not.

The significance of marriage compatibility numerology

In today’s modern world many people do not believe in Horoscope matching before the marriage. It is simply an ignorance about the purpose of matching the the numbers. If you have a bad marriage combination, then it could result into

  • Financial losses
  • Divorce cases
  • Women not getting married
  • Better future prospects
  • Business related problems
  • Infertility cases

With the correct marriage combination, the couple leads a successful and prosperous life. If a marriage fails, most likely that girl gets blamed, even though the problem could be due to the bad combination from boy side. However, one must know that nobody to be blamed except the bad marriage combination. A bad marriage combination can also result into fatal illness. It would stagnant your progress or ruin you altogether. It is rightly said that “behind every successful man, there is a woman” but I would like to add further that “behind every successful man there is a woman with perfect marriage combination”.

The god has created this universe with specific natural laws. Going against these laws, knowingly or unknowingly, puts us in trouble.

  • If a marriage combination is not good and the person wishes to buy a house and if the house is against the vaastu norms, the Forces of Nature with all possibilities will make him buy the house, and hence will push him into greater problems of life.
  • Similarly, when the marriage combination is not good, and he wishes to take a new job, he will remain stagnant and his bosses may not be happy with him or his work may not produce the desired results or his well established results may begin to crumble. There will be fights and misunderstanding between the couples. In nutshell, the lives of both will become hell.
  • However, if their marriage combination is good, the forces of nature will not let him buy the house that is against the vaastu norms. Some problems will crop up before the deal is finalized. Though the person may regret at that time, yet, it shall be for his own benefit, which he may or may not ever realize.
  • Dowry deaths or divorces are a result of bad combination of marriage which can be avoided by choosing the right partner for your daughter.
  • The bad combination can also lead to childless issues, major accidents, loss of jobs / business.
  • It has been observed that a spelling mistake on the marriage certificate has made all the difference, weather for good or bad. Remember, the spelling on the marriage certificate is the name that governs you and not what you right or call yourself.
  • If the combinations are good the couple will further get a boost in their career. The Forces of Nature will direct them. To do the right things that shall make their life better. Such are the mysteries of physical universal laws.
  • If the couple has a bad combination, all hell is let loose on the girl, who is already frightened coming to the new environment, seeing new faces, contemplating their behavior towards her.
  • If the boys family starts blaming the girl, for anything that goes wrong, under such circumstances her life, literally becomes hell. Please note, it is not necessary that the number of the girl is bad, but she is blamed because she is the new entry. The reality however is, it is the effect of bad marriage combination. No one is at fault. It could just be possible that it is the boys number that makes the wrong combination, but still he too cannot be blamed, it is their destiny resulting through ignorance. However, either one or both may be advised to change their names that would make their combination perfect.
  • Don’t be embarrassed and do not act under social pressure. Think of the fact that in bad times no one comes to anyone’s rescue. It is your life and you alone have to improve it. Others will always act
    as deterrents.

Did you know that time-tested and reliable remedies are available to improve the Relationship Ranking from 1 star (* Ok) to 3 Stars (*** Very good)

Over the years I have perfected the technique that allows people to improve their relationship ranking for better. However, it is crucial that both partners must be enrolled in the idea of developing their relationship with each other. And therefore they must be willing to undertake and follow the remedies suggested.

Find out the scale of relationship with your spouse, fiancée and/or soul mate. Calculate the life path of both. Life Path is the sum of the month (MM), date (DD) and year (YYYY) of birth. Refer to the table below.

The scale of the Relationship Table

*** Very Good : 2-2, 2-6, 2-9 | 3-6, 3-9 | 4-4, 4-6 | 6-6, 6-9 | 7-7, 7-9 | 9-9 ** Good : 1-2, 1-3, 1-6, 1-7, 1-9 | 2-4, 2-7 | 3-5| 4-7, 4-8, 4-9 | 7-6 | 8-6 * Ok : 1-1, 1-8 | 2-3, 2-8 | 3-4, 3-7 | 4-5| 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9 | 6-7, 6-8 | 7-8 | 8-8, 8-9 Conflicting: 1-4, 1-5 | 2-5 | 3-3, 3-8 | 5-5 If you discover that numbers are conflicting then simply give up the idea of marriage altogether. Because in that case, you would find irreconcilable antagonisms that would likely put your marriage on rocks. As a result, the relationship may not last long. The most noteworthy point is that if you discover after marriage that your numbers are conflicting with your spouse; stop panicking. Especially when you genuinely want to save your marriage and improve your relationship ranking with your partner call me. Schedule your appointment now by calling on +91.96115.39655​.

Click to know consultation charges. While most of the marriage failures can be attributed to the inabilities of partners to understand each other. Seems like, this may not always be true. It is because many people can adjust themselves to any situation in life. And as a result, they learn to tolerate even the conflicting differences between them.